Building Up Your Own Brand and Staking Your Claim


Let’s face it: It’s hard to have a business without a proper brand and logo that people are familiar with. With companies vying for publicity through marketing and advertisements, having a unique brand can make your business stand out.

Brands are so powerful that the mere sight of a brand ingrained on a particular product can increase the pricing of the product. Why? A company’s reputation matters when it comes to providing its target market with high-quality items, and a brand or logo will imply that the product is made of good quality.

But even though a “logo” might be the one defining symbol of a company or business, it doesn’t entirely define what the brand is. Most people might think that a logo is one of the major aspects of marketing, but it’s just a small step towards building a strong branding identity. Building your own brand isn’t just something that can be done with a logo; millions of businesses are already making a name for themselves. If you’re going to up your brand game, you will need to make your business stand out with different key strategies, especially if you are vying for a position from your competitors.

Having your own brand identity will require true grit, thick skin, and commitment. If you don’t know how to start your own branding, here are some essential tips for leading you in the right direction. However, the process of giving your business the attention that it needs through a brand and business name isn’t as easy as it seems. So here’s what you’ll have to do:

Tapping to a Wider Audience

woman using her phone

First and foremost, you’ll need to know who your target audience is. For instance, if you’re planning on setting up a cafe or a milk tea store, you might want to target millennials or a demographic interested in the products and services you’re offering.

Gaining information is the best way of knowing who your target audience is and what they want. Surveys are a great way of having a marketing campaign that’s data-driven and methodical. For other businesses that rely on a digital platform, various metrics can help you discern the age, demographic, and location of your engagement and leads. YouTube Analytics is known for having a comprehensive system that will help you target your audience.

One of the best ways of knowing who your target market and the audience are by looking at the big picture while still being cognizant of the small details. Being able to predict the ebb and flow of the target market can help ensure you predict and forecast where to place your brand in the consumer market strategically. If you’re not quite sure what you can do for your brand, you might want to consider hiring professionals who are well-versed in brand management. Having professional supervision can help you with the direction of your business. Having a data-driven and transparent team can definitely help convert engagement into leads.

Picking Your Personality and Direction

Being in a certain business or industry has a personality that will cater to your target audience. You will need to focus on a personality that’s befitting of your brand. For instance, Apple produces phones and electronic devices catered towards those that are part of the elite few and tailor their marketing towards such individuals. The clean and crisp nature of how they advertise their products directly translates to their brand.

Staking Your Claim

You’ll need to make a positioning statement with a line that will catch the audience’s attention. Don’t worry; this isn’t going to be your company’s tagline. It’s more along the lines of answering the most common questions that pop up about your brand while having a tagline personality.

There are different ways of getting your business noticed through branding and marketing. The bottom line? Doing your own research and then effectively planning out your branding and marketing campaigns can definitely yield benefits.

The Author

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