The Modern Entrepreneur: Three Tech Hacks for Your Business

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Choosing to forge your own path in the business world takes guts, intelligence, and a lot of sheer willpower. It’s unlikely that you’ll succeed in this field if you don’t know how to play your cards right. So, if you need help managing your business in the digital age, here are three tech hacks that you can use:

Focus on Social Media Marketing

Much like how businesses operate in the past, you must start meeting your customers where they are. For instance, if you want to sell fresh produce to homemakers, you should set up shop in the local farmer’s market. Or if you’re selling children’s toys, then you should be stationed in a mall somewhere that a lot of families go to.

But since your main target demographics are people who make use of the internet, then that’s where you should be letting your brand known. Fortunately, one of the easiest ways to do that is by using the many social media platforms available online. You can use these to reach and interact with your audience directly.

Of course, it’s not enough to just create an official business account on all the platforms available and leave it at that. You’ll need a feasible digital marketing plan that will allow you to reach the right people, package your message in a way that’s engaging to your audience, and launch appropriate campaigns.

This way, you can easily work on your community engagement tactics and create strategies to reach a wider audience that can help you gain traction for your business. Once you’ve discovered the best way to do social media marketing, you’ll become a force to be reckoned with on the internet and in your chosen industry.

Create a Business Continuity Plan

Existing in the digital age is a risk in itself, not only because you’re dependent on technology and its products but also because you’re vulnerable to the attacks of cybercriminals. That’s why you need to continually work on your cybersecurity protocols and make sure that your business data is always protected.

But of course, it’s impossible to foresee what the future holds. You won’t know when your business will be targeted for a cyber-attack or if a hacker has already infiltrated your private network without your knowledge. That’s why it’s better to have an actionable business continuity plan (BCP) in place for the unforeseeable.

The BCP is a document that details how your business can continue operating in case of a natural disaster, cyber-attack, citywide blackout, or other emergencies. This is because losing even a day’s worth of data can set your business back, so you can only imagine how devastating it would be if you were to lose all your data in one fell swoop.

Your BCP needs to have the following: a list of supplies or equipment that you can use in case your primary ones are damaged, the location of your data backups, and the person in charge of implementing the BCP. It can also include your short and long-term plans for the business if your BCP fails.

Use Cloud Computing Services

Surely, you’ve heard of remote working and work-from-home setups by now. This is when employees and entrepreneurs no longer have to physically be in their offices to perform their work because they can access everything they need for their job from the internet. And this is all made possible through the cloud.

To say that cloud computing technology has revolutionized the way businesses operate would be an understatement. Not only has cloud computing given birth to remote working capabilities, but it also made scaling business operations that much easier. Plus, it would require less hardware equipment on your part, which means you can reduce your costs on upkeep and maintenance.

So if you haven’t considered the benefits of cloud computing services for your business, this is the perfect time to look into it. You’ll be able to save yourself the hassle of replacing all your equipment and technologies every time you grow your business, which also means that you can save more money in the process.

Of course, the challenge here lies in implementing the right software solution for your business. You would also have to train all your employees to use the software properly so that you can sort out the issues and get over the hurdles. However, once you get past the learning curve, it will be smooth sailing from there.

Modern technology is not a magical potion; you can’t just take it, then everything will magically fall into place. Rather than thinking of it as magic, consider it a weapon you can wield to arm yourself for battle and defend against those trying to tear you down. This way, you’ll be more reliant on your own strength and potential in managing your business instead of depending on non-existent magic.

The Author

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