For Eco-Conscious Entrepreneurs: Innovations That Will Aid Your Sustainable Goals

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A growing number of entrepreneurs are finally embracing sustainable practices. More are saying yes to their corporate social responsibility due to the consumer’s increasing demand for sustainability. They want to cater to their customer’s calls and ensure their business will reap the benefits of the environment-friendly movement.

Entrepreneurs want to be more responsible about how they run their businesses. They no longer want to be among the top reasons why tons of waste go straight to the ocean and landfills each month. They want to enjoy the perks of being a sustainable brand while reducing their environmental impact.

Today’s tech innovations make it easier for businesses to welcome sustainability into their organization. Investing in the right technology makes it easier to reduce and recycle waste, increase business efficiency and savings while promoting the initiative. Here are five innovations different brands are utilizing to aid their sustainability efforts.

Oil Treatment Solutions

Factories cannot operate without turbine and compressor oils. Tons after tons of lubricants go to waste after a few usages. But since oil is a necessity that requires constant investment, treating your oil and recycling much of it is one great way to reduce oil waste and your costs.

Before, businesses consider oil as a consumable necessity. Now, one can start treating their turbine oil with an oil additive solution. This helps extend the lifespan of the oil, reduce your carbon dioxide emission, and boost your savings.

Note that not all oil treatment solutions are capable of restoring oil and make it usable again. One needs to make sure every product they use is compatible with their in-service oil. Thankfully, there now exist many companies offering compatible lube treatment solutions no matter your oil needs.

Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

Businesses make use of vans, trucks, and even company cars to fulfill certain business tasks. They use vehicles to safely deliver goods, acquire inventories, transport employees, and even meet important clients. But then, it is nowhere cheap to buy, maintain, and run vehicles.

Thankfully, there now exist more eco-friendly vehicles one can use for their business. Instead of gas-powered vehicles, one can now invest in electric and hybrid vehicles to save on fuel costs. You can enjoy tax and duty exemptions for investing in a more sustainable company transport solution and still have a reliable vehicle to fulfill business needs.

In some countries, they plan to get rid of gas-powered vehicles in favor of electric and hybrid vehicles. Japan announced their green growth strategy where they plan on eliminating gasoline-powered vehicles. It plans on offering financial support and tax incentives to companies who will embrace the change.

Plastic Recycling

Businesses are taking plastic recycling to the next level. They are not simply trying to eradicate their use of single-use plastic. They also aim to recycle plastic as many times as possible to reduce plastic waste.

Take Coca-Cola, for instance. The company recycles salvaged polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastics and turns them into new bottles. The company made new 12.3 oz bottles from 100% recycled PET while more than 94% of their packing in North America is recyclable.

Adidas, on the other hand, partnered with Parley for the Oceans to create shoes and apparel made from plastic bottles. They used sustainable materials like plastic bottles to create their two launched shoes. The company plans to manufacture 17 million pairs of shoes made from recycled materials this year.

Green Toys, which is a California-based toy company, sells children’s toys made from 100% recycled products. Since the company started, they already use millions of milk just to create toys. They also make use of sustainable packaging and their products passed both domestic and international environmental standards with an exceptionally high score.

Renewable Energy

More companies are embracing renewable energy sources by installing solar panels on their business premises. They now harness the heat of the sun to reduce their energy costs. Even if they are still connected to the grid due to zoning restrictions, they managed to utilize the sun’s energy to their advantage.

Using renewable energy helps reduce business costs. Despite the initial costs of installation, the savings are rather tremendous in the long run. In fact, businesses get to enjoy more savings since the panels will actually for themselves after a few years.

Companies that invest in solar panel installation can take advantage of green solar tax credits. This applies to both commercial and residential systems. One can even use this to reduce up to 26% of the total installation costs.

Entrepreneurs can feel the pressure from consumers wanting them to be more sustainable. While this may seem like an unnecessary investment, it can actually foster business growth. Embracing sustainability translates to good publicity, increased savings, and better business efficiency. Realizing these perks and the availability of innovative technologies make entrepreneurs want to kick start their sustainability efforts.

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