How to Stay Safe and Healthy amid the Pandemic

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The pandemic has changed the way we look after ourselves and our loved ones. Considering the ability of the virus to mutate and become even more potent, we need to stay more vigilant than ever against it.

Currently, guidelines have been set to prevent the spread of the virus and keep the population safe, especially those with comorbidity and at a higher risk of getting infected. It would certainly help if we observed personal precautions on top of the general guidelines, to ensure that we’re always safe and protected.

That said, here’s a list of the things that we can do to further protect ourselves from the virus:

Get Tested

Getting tested routinely reduces the risk of an outbreak. Not everyone shows symptoms despite being infected by the virus, but that doesn’t mean they’re not contagious. In fact, asymptomatic people are at a greater risk of spreading the virus, resulting in more people getting infected.

If you recently traveled or have been exposed to a crowd, it would be best to get yourself tested once you start to feel something unusual and suspect that you might be infected. This will not only save you but the people around you as well. To get an accurate COVID test, make sure to have it done at a qualified clinical laboratory and that the person performing the test is specifically trained to use testing kits, to ensure that the whole procedure is done correctly.

Testing should be included in your routine if you’re frequently visiting shared spaces like the office, school, or travel for work. Early detection is key to prevention and staying safe.

Do Your Research

The Internet has blessed us with a wealth of information but not everything you see online is valid and correct. Before you decide whether you should do something or not, first do your research. Make sure you’re getting information from legitimate websites and official pages.

It’s easy to lose our emotional and mental footing during this trying time. And part of taking care of ourselves is filtering the information we take in, especially when it’s related to the virus and the effects of the pandemic. We need to validate every information we receive by doing our online research. This way we become well-informed and can make better decisions that will prevent us from going down the wrong path and following incorrect information.

woman jogging

Stay Healthy

Now more than ever, finding ways to stay healthy is more important. We can do this in simple and inexpensive ways like staying home, observing social distancing and mask guidelines, as well as getting vaccinated.

Aside from that, we must continue to strive to eat healthy and do some exercise. Staying fit and eating healthy can increase our body’s resistance and its ability to bounce back from an infection.

Doing a 5-minute exercise every day will have a positive effect on your overall health. If you have the time to make meals at home, do so. Aside from being more economical, making your own meals means you get to pick the ingredients and the items that end up on your plate. The meals don’t have to be fancy and there are plenty of healthy meals that are easy to make and taste great, too.

Self Improvement

If you’ve always wanted to take up classes, especially that it’s become completely acceptable to this from your home, now would be a good time to do so. This will help keep you busy that you’d prefer staying home while you work to improve your craft and practice your new skill.

Aside from taking classes, staying on track with your fitness journey is another excellent way to spend your time at home. There are more follow-along fitness videos online, as long as subscription programs if you wish to work with a coach and a nutritionist to help you achieve particular results.

These activities create a healthy routine. It makes you feel productive and efficient. This feeling creates a ripple effect that brings a positive impact in other areas of your day and your life, in general.

The past couple of years have been extremely challenging for all of us, but we must always remind ourselves that it is possible for all of us to overcome the pandemic. We can do our share by observing the health guidelines and protecting ourselves and our loved ones in every way we can, and some of the easiest and safest ways to do so are mentioned above.

Always remember: keeping ourselves protected and safe means doing the same for the people that we care about.

The Author

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