Six Steps to Take Before Making Your Business Website Live

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Since the pandemic started, an increasing number of businesses were forced to focus on digital marketing to continue their operations. That means having a good business website becomes critical too. People today tend to rely more on the Internet for almost everything, from research to shopping. If you’re business still doesn’t have a good website running online, think about how many customers or clients you’re missing out on.

Having a great website can help you reach out to your target market in a seamless way and eventually convince them to avail of your products and services. Read on to know what steps you should take first before launching your business website.

1. Develop a pre-launch campaign

Before making your website live, you first need to make sure that it will receive high interest from your potential customers. You can do that by having a pre-launch promotion. You can create a coming soon page to build excitement and anticipation from the visitors before your actual launch date. Still, be sure to make an effort to engage with your visitors as well for your pre-launch page. You can create a sign-up box for your targets so that they can be notified about the actual launch date of your website.

2. Double-check and test CTAs

Call-to-action (CTA) is an integral part of any website. This is crucial if you are trying to encourage action to the users or visitors such as sending a query, purchasing a product, or signing up for your monthly newsletter. It’s best to have a professional developer or designer incorporate CTAs on your website, ensuring they are easy to access and visible. As for testing your CTAs, use reliable A/B testing software for your emails and web pages. Such software will basically help you determine which versions have the highest click-through rates for the CTAs.

3. Make sure it is accessible

If you don’t want to miss out on a significant number of potential customers, you need to make sure your website is accessible. Having an expert work on your website accessibility compliance will help you ensure that all users, regardless of impairments or disabilities, will be able to use your website.

At the same time, this prevents your business from facing any legal issue concerning web accessibility. Doing this will allow you to eliminate the barriers that could make it difficult for users with physical, sensory, and cognitive disabilities to use your website. These could include adding closed captions to your videos or having proper visual contrasts for visitors with vision impairments.

man using laptops

4. Set up for online alerts

It’s also crucial for any business website owner to be up-to-date on where and when your name is mentioned. This is a good method to determining whether your outreach tactics are working and what parts need to be improved. To get notified on online mentions of your blog name, you can sign up for Google Alerts. You’d also want to check what people have to say about your new website on social media.

5. Link your social media

Social media has become one of the crucial elements of digital marketing, especially for new businesses. And whether you’re a fan of such digital innovation or not, making use of it doesn’t just benefit your new website but your business overall. Take advantage of social media platforms to promote your new website.

As for linking your social media pages, it’s up to you which one to link on your website. You can use website plugins and tools to get started. Some of the top social media platforms you can use include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

6. Test it for usability

Another vital step to take is testing your business website for usability before the actual launch date. Testing for website usability includes plenty of things, but it is generally about conducting a scenario in which a user performs tasks that a website visitor is likely to perform as well. This is a good way to check if your site will offer a seamless user experience. If a user has a tough time figuring out how to navigate your website, they will leave it quickly.

Having an excellent first impression is crucial when it comes to marketing online, which is why you need a good website. It acts as your business’ digital face and the key to bringing in more potential customers to you. That’s why it’s important that it just doesn’t look good but also functions well for the users. Launch a professional website today using these tips, and you’d surely get a better chance of achieving business success.

The Author

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