Using Surveillance Technology to Improve Business Security

a person in front of computers
  • Surveillance technology can be used to improve security measures by using facial recognition, motion detection, and automatic incident recording.
  • Facial recognition technology can detect any previously flagged persons of interest entering the premises to ensure safety.
  • Motion detection enables businesses to set up no-go zones or areas where certain activities are not allowed or monitored more closely than others.
  • Automatic incident recording allows businesses to have footage of any suspicious activity on their premises.

The use of surveillance technology has become increasingly popular for businesses looking to improve security measures. By utilizing facial recognition, motion detection, and automatic incident recording, companies can gain an extra layer of protection against any potential threats or intruders.

Let’s explore how businesses can leverage this powerful tool to enhance their security and surveillance measures.

Facial Recognition

One of the most powerful surveillance tools for businesses is facial recognition. Facial recognition technology uses algorithms to scan faces in real-time and detect any potential matches against an existing database of people of interest.

This means that if someone who was previously flagged as a person of interest enters the premises, they will be identified quickly and easily. This provides superior safety for employees, customers, and other visitors on any business’s premises.

Recently, a medical center in the United States implemented facial recognition technology to help protect its patients. Upon utilizing this kind of technology, the center could detect any individuals that had been previously flagged as persons of interest upon entering the premises. The center successfully matched faces from the surveillance footage with those stored in their database. With this data, they were able to take action accordingly.

video analytics

Motion Detection

Motion detection is another helpful tool when it comes to security and surveillance. It detects any movement within a designated area in real time.

If anything suspicious is detected, alerts are sent out immediately so that appropriate action can be taken quickly. Furthermore, motion detection also allows businesses to set up no-go zones or areas where certain activities are not allowed or monitored more closely than others. Moreover, different types of business premises can also benefit from this technology

Retail Stores

One of the most common suspicious activities on business premises is theft. For instance, a thief may try to steal items from a store or office building by entering the premises or just by staying near the entrance. Video analytics monitoring can detect the presence of an intruder and alert security personnel to investigate the situation.


Surveillance technology also helps with ensuring safety beyond retail stores. One notable example was the implementation of motion detection at an international airport in North America. The airport installed motion detection software to monitor terminal and baggage claims area activity.

The software was able to detect any suspicious activity or movements that could be a security risk. By implementing this technology, the airport was able to ensure that all passengers had an enjoyable and safe experience while passing through the terminal.


Motion detection can be of great benefit to restaurants as well. Restaurants are a frequent target for thieves because of the high volume of customers that pass through the doors every day. Unfortunately, theft in restaurants can range from minor misappropriation of cash to more serious cases of stealing furniture, fixtures, and supplies. By utilizing motion detection technology, restaurants can ensure that customers are safe and secure while dining at their establishments.

video analytics

Recording Incidents Automatically

Surveillance technology also provides automatic incident recording capabilities—meaning that when something suspicious happens within a designated area (such as a theft), the system will automatically start recording the incident so that it can be used for evidence later on down the line if needed.

This makes it easier for law enforcement officers to investigate incidents after they occur since they have access to clear footage of what happened at the scene of the crime or event.

Risk Reduction

According to the US Chamber of Commerce, 37% of small businesses have experienced shoplifting or theft in the past year, with 14% of them reporting that they’ve experienced it more often. During the holiday season, 34% say these suspicious activities occur more during the holidays.

Businesses can significantly reduce the risk of shoplifting and other criminal activities by leveraging these types of surveillance technology to improve their security and surveillance measures. This means that businesses can enjoy greater peace of mind knowing that they have taken all necessary steps to protect their premises and those onsite.

In conclusion, surveillance technology can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to improve their security and reduce the risk of shoplifting or other criminal activities. By utilizing facial recognition, motion detection, and automatic incident recording technologies, companies can gain an extra layer of protection against any potential threats or intruders. With these tools in place, businesses can rest assured that they have taken all necessary steps to protect their premises and those onsite.

The Author

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